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Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Daniella Smolanick

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State Farm® Insurance Agent

Daniella Smolanick

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
After Hours by Appointment


21411 Northern Blvd
Bayside, NY 11361-3305

Located on the corner of Bell and Northern Blvd, directly across from White Castle.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Daniella Smolanick

Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Office Info

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
After Hours by Appointment
Call or text us 24 hours a day!


21411 Northern Blvd
Bayside, NY 11361-3305


English, Spanish, Korean

Welcome to our State Farm family!

We sincerely appreciate your decision to partner with our agency in the heart of Bayside, Queens for your insurance and financial service requirements! We are grateful for the chance to safeguard you and your family while supporting your financial goals. Our aim is to provide you with an exceptional customer experience every time you reach out to us.

When I opened my own State Farm Agency in 2021, my mission was clear and remains so to this day. Offer our community, neighbors, customers, and fellow small business owners the information needed to make informed decisions, provide personalized customer service, and protect what is important to our policyholders. This is what we do every day, with a focus on the needs of our customers. Please visit our office or call to speak with our knowledgeable and experienced team to discuss coverage options and discounts that are available to protect your home, condo, apartment, car, truck, RV, boat, or small business.

While we know that it is important to protect the things in your life, the most important conversation we have with our customers is about protecting your life. We can meet in person, over the phone or virtually to perform a policy review, answer any questions you may have and put a protection plan into place today. Please do not wait to have this important conversation, it will make a dramatic difference in the lives of your loved ones.

We understand the importance of serving a diverse community, that is why our team is here to assist you in English, Spanish and Korean. For additional convenience we provide services and product options in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

Tenemos muchas opciones que pueden caber dentro de su presupuesto. Sabemos que probablemente tenga muchas preguntas sobre cómo funciona el seguro de vida y todos los diferentes tipos de pólizas disponibles. Protegerlo a usted y proteger a su familia es la conversación más importante que tenemos con nuestros clientes. Llame o visite nuestra oficina hoy para programar un horario, conveniente con su horario para reunirse con nuestro equipo en persona o virtualmente. La vida es frágil, hablemos de cómo podemos protegerte a ti y a tus seres queridos.

We are always looking to grow our amazing team. Are you ready to begin a new journey? Our team focuses on developing meaningful relationships with customers while providing outstanding service to our community in Queens and all of New York, NJ, CT & PA. Contact our office today to learn more or visit our website for details and get started on an exciting and rewarding career today.

Podemos servirle en las areas de Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island y el resto del estado de New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut mediante nuestra agencia de servicios personalizados. Le podemos ofrecer excelente covertura y servicio al cliente para su seguro de auto, casa, propiedad personal, Co-Op/Condominio, motocicleta, Mascotas (por que amamos a nuestros familiares peludos), negocios y vehiculos comerciales, proteccion contra heridas en el trabajo y mucho mas. Tambien le podemos ayudar a protejer el futuro de sus familias mediante seguros de vida, seguro de indemnidad hospitalaria entre otras variedades de seguros supplementales de salud. Llamenos para una revision de su poliza Gratuita!

안녕하세요! 저희 에이젼시는 뉴욕을 비롯하여 뉴져지,커네티컷,펜실베니아 주의 자동차 보험, 주택 보험, 세입자 보험, CO-OP/콘도 보험 오토바이 보험, 애완 동물 보험, 사업/상업용 자동차 및 사업주 보험 등 모든 종류의 보험관련 서비스를 드리고 있습니다. 또한 종업원 상해보험과 생명보험, 병원 입원 보험 및 기타 다양한 건강 보험을 통하여 고객님의 가족분들께 미래에 예상치 못한 사고가 있더라도 도움과 보호를 받으실 수 있도록 조언과 도움 드릴 수 있음을 알려드리며 더불어 State Farm이 아니더라도 현재 가지고 계신 보험에 관하여 무료로 비교/검토를 하여 드리고 있으니 저희에게 언제든지 편안하게 연락 주시기를 부탁드리겠습니다. 감사합니다!

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

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Our mission is to uphold the “Good Neighbor” meaning by being there to help people go through the expected and unexpected of the present and the future. Our priority is to constantly provide remarkable customer service by exceeding all expectations and maintaining our customer’s greatest interest as our primary goal. By providing knowledge and the foremost value on a needs basis, we anticipate consistently providing outstanding customer satisfaction. Our passion is community involvement, and we truly believe by upholding the ‘Good Neighbor” action, our presence in the community will be known.

Nuestra misión es defender el significado de "Buen Vecino" estando allí para ayudar a las personas a atravesar lo esperado e inesperado del presente y el futuro. Nuestra prioridad es brindar constantemente un excelente servicio al cliente superando todas las expectativas y manteniendo el mayor interés de nuestros clientes como nuestro objetivo principal. Al proporcionar conocimiento y el valor más importante según las necesidades, anticipamos brindar constantemente una excelente satisfacción al cliente. Nuestra pasión es la participación de la comunidad, y realmente creemos que al defender la acción del "Buen Vecino", nuestra presencia en la comunidad será conocida.

 우리의 임무는 사람들이 현재와 미래의 예상과 예상치 못한 상황을 헤쳐나갈 수 있도록 도와줌으로써 "좋은 이웃"의 의미를 지키는 것입니다. 우리의 우선 순위는 모든 기대를 뛰어 넘는 우수한 고객 서비스를 지속적으로 제공하고 고객의 최고의 이익을 주요 목표로 유지하는 것입니다. 필요에 따라 최고의 가치와 통찰력을 제공함으로써 우리는 지속적으로 우수한 고객 만족을 제공할 것으로 기대합니다. 우리의 열정은 지역 사회 참여이며 "Good Neighbor" 행동을 옹호함으로써 지역 사회에서 우리의 존재가 알려질 것이라고 진정으로 믿습니다.

My team is looking forward to meeting all your insurance needs and customer satisfaction!

¡Mi equipo espera satisfacer todas sus necesidades de seguro y la satisfacción del cliente!

고객님께서 만족하시도록 최선을 다하도록 하겠습니다, 감사합니다!